Our Mission

First Nations Response (FNR) is a grassroots Aboriginal Women-led organization that was founded in 2020 during the covid lockdown era to provide culturally appropriate support and urgent food relief to the Inner-West and Inner-City of Sydney mobs.

As Aboriginal women, mothers, and aunties, we are inspired by our ancestors and those who have preceded us to bring about positive changes in our communities. In support of urban Aboriginal communities, our team makes extraordinary efforts to meet the complex needs of our communities. Our work has since become a crucial part of the support that is accessed by the most vulnerable members of our community and the broader community in general.

Although we are primarily focused on providing food relief to the community, we also provide ongoing support and assistance to the community as needed. We do this to the extent that our resources and abilities allow. FNR has responded to flooding, protests, vigils, sorry business, deaths in custody, and the support of women escaping domestic violence, providing furniture and household essentials.